Event Report Web3

“Blockchain.connect()” 3rd Meetup – Event Report

The third edition of “Blockchainn.connect()”, was held on Thursday, October 27. This  was the first time the event was held at CRANE, a coworking space in Singapore. The previous event summary can be found here ( https://gaogao.asia/2022/06/28/9536/ ).

Meetup page of the event

More than 60 people registered for the event, including those on the waitlist!

GAOGAO staff in preparation before the venue opened


Opening remarks were given by Lim Chee Keen, a software engineer at GAOGAO Singapore. In his address to participants, he highlighted the purpose of Blockchain.connect(), announcements and rules for future events plus promoting the newly created Slack channel.

Purpose of the event
– To foster strong relationships between members who are interested in Web3 and its underlying blockchain technology
– To share knowledge through presentations about out speaker’s case studies

At the end of the opening remarks, he introduced the line-up for the evening.


We had another two great speakers who presented topics they were passionate about!

Talk1: “The Beginner’s Guide to The Architecture of Web 3.0” by Steve Ng

The first presentation was by Steve Ng, who explained the architecture of Web3.

He introduced the overall transition of the system structure from Web2 to Web3. There was also a discussion from the perspective of monetization, which was very informative.

Web3 configurations have also changed with repeated improvements, such as off-chain solutions and side-chain processing.

The discussion was enlivened by numerous questions from the audience.

Talk 2: “The multi-chain future” by Yoshiki Takabayashi (Kourin)

The second presenter is Kourin ( https://twitter.com/kourin_crypto ).

Kourin currently lives in Estonia and is doing research and development at GAOGAO’s Web3 Lab. He is also involved in the development of Polygon services.

The topic of the presentation will be about multi-chain future. This presentation highlighted the challenges and the Decentralization-Security-Scalability Trilemma facing blockchain today.

He talked about the merging of the Ethereum chain.

Rollups to improve the scalability performance of the chain were also explained.

Many other foundations were discussed briefly in this talk. Kourin is actively participating in international hackathons and other events, so if you are interested, you may follow him on Twitter ( https://twitter.com/kourin_crypto ).

If you are interested in the content of the day, please contact GAOGAO staff. We will share the video of the day’s presentation.

After Party

After the three talks, participants mingled in the common space of the CRANE. Participants were highly enthusiastic and found themselves interacting all the way until closing time.

Many have expressed a desire to participate in the future events, and the team at GAOGAO will continue to host them.

Team at GAOGAO

Author’s Comments

During the presentations and discussions after, many topics like Web3 applications, engineer careers, and the basis of the Blockchain technology were brought up. The number of use-cases and ideas was very high and I can sense the high level of enthusiasm for Web3/blockchain in Singapore. There are very few events that focus on engineers in particular, and I thought it was very valuable to be able to not only gain knowledge of the technology through this event, but also to meet other engineers interested in the same area.

Overall, participants enjoyed the talks on a variety of topics, targeting everyone from beginners to those with knowledge. If you were not able to attend this event, please join us next time! Photos of this event can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uo8BZwuunbAdhLy4mq32HLXc1NQmEu63?usp=sharing.

GAOGAO is looking for engineers who want to develop services using Web3 technology. Please feel free to contact us!

About the next event

The date has not yet been confirmed, but it will be held soon. Please become a member at the following page and wait for the next event announcement.

Blockchain.connect() page